Drawing isn't just my dream job, it's how I see the world! When I see something beautiful, someone does something nice, something impresses me... Then I want to capture it, literally give it a place. What I make, think and what inspires me I share with you in my journal.


Tekenen op Texel

Tekenen op Texel

Vakantieschriftjes, ik maakte ze als kind al samen met mijn moeder. Een afbeelding uit een foldertje, een gevonden veer, onze avonturen; Alles mocht erin.

Tekenen op Texel

Vakantieschriftjes, ik maakte ze als kind al samen met mijn moeder. Een afbeelding uit een foldertje, een gevonden veer, onze avonturen; Alles mocht erin.

Bloemen op papier

Flowers on paper

Over the past few months I have occasionally shared a photo of my latest project online. A pencil drawing full of color and detail. It required some patience, from all...

Flowers on paper

Over the past few months I have occasionally shared a photo of my latest project online. A pencil drawing full of color and detail. It required some patience, from all...

De Woudkas

The Woodhouse

Some spots are a gift. You will find them when you walk around an extra block. When the sun puts it in the spotlight. Or on Airbnb, when you can...

The Woodhouse

Some spots are a gift. You will find them when you walk around an extra block. When the sun puts it in the spotlight. Or on Airbnb, when you can...

Meesterlijk Magazine

Master Magazine

Have you ever stared at a cake for an hour without being able to eat it? It happens to me about 6 times a year. When I get to draw...

Master Magazine

Have you ever stared at a cake for an hour without being able to eat it? It happens to me about 6 times a year. When I get to draw...

Vogels vangen

Catching birds

Quite a while ago I visited Christel's workplace. A magical place. She brings birds to life.

Catching birds

Quite a while ago I visited Christel's workplace. A magical place. She brings birds to life.